Secrets to Amazon Listing Optimization


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How to Make a Conversion-Ready Amazon Product Listing

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In Amazon’s incredibly competitive marketplace, you must bring your A-game from every angle, and yes, that includes a kickass Product Listing and its optimization. Let us stop you there. Contrary to the common belief, it is not just about pulling out a list of keywords and writing a few bullets. Creating a well-optimized listing takes great consideration, meticulous study, target specific keywords, and outstanding values to lock a flock of customers.

The purpose of Amazon product listing is to provide customers with the details and information about your product. Two significant pointers two take at this stage:

Make sure you have complied with Amazon Guidelines (according to the category) and have included everything there is to know about your product, and leave nothing to the imagination except how good they will feel with the purchase. Beware, for if you don’t, some other seller will.

Amazon Listing Optimization Secrets

What makes a listing successful, or what is the recipe for a good listing? To boil it down in simple words:

It consists of thorough product research, competitor analysis, knowing your target audience, the right seed keyword, relevant and high search volume keywords, keyword placement, choosing the most effective writing style (factual, lifestyle, or dynamic), comparison, unique selling points, images, and following all amazon guidelines.

Competitor Analysis

Studying your competition before revealing your cards is a wise choice. You can make use of keyword tools yet again to dig deeper than what is available on Amazon. You get an idea of the current trend, but you also discover ways to set yourself apart from the standard and prove more valuable to the customers. Draw comparisons over prices, estimated revenue generated, sales, features, what others offer, and how you can make it better.

Target Audience

Knowing whom you are speaking to makes all the difference. With the help of marketing experts, you can find out who are the top buyers of your product. For example, imagine selling Bento Boxes.

As you suspect, your primary audience would comprise moms or parents who could help feed their kids efficiently. Every feature you offer, the content you write, and keywords will be tailored to your audience.

Your goal is to catch the attention of those moms. Similarly, think of a high-tech gadget. You know your target audience would primarily be adult men. As a common belief, men are fact-oriented and like things straight. You could use that to your advantage and entice with words that would be more appealing to them.

Keyword Research

Keyword determination is critical. To explore which are best for you, start with a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner. In any case, there are additionally others like, Scientificseller, Keywordkeg, MerchantWords, Scope, and AMZ Wordspy.

These tools will offer you a direct search upon entering the seed keyword, and many would also provide a way to extract the keywords of your top competitors. You can pick any tool that you are comfortable with.

The seed keyword or your primary keyword plays an essential role in extracting the most relevant keywords. If you enter, for example, ‘silicone wine cups,’ it should list relatable keywords to the category you are targeting.

From there, we begin to filter out the relevant keywords you can use. You can follow multiple strategies, but we suggest you stick to the highest search volume and top organic rankings.

Keywords Placements

Doing extensive keyword research is not enough; knowing where to place keywords is yet another important job.

Here is how you prioritize keyword placement:

The most heavily searched keywords or high search volume belong to the most crucial segment: Title; they carry the most weightage.

Second, we prioritize our backend.

  1. Search Terms
    A total of 250 characters with spaces and broken into single words without repetition or punctuation, these words play the 2nd most massive part in optimizing your listing.
  2. Subject Matter
    Consisting of 50 characters per line, Amazon allows five rows to be filled by the third important group of keywords (long-tail keywords). Opposite to your search terms, these fare better in phrase form. All misspelled or foreign keywords with good SV are also welcomed here.

The fourth spell of keywords can be targeted inside the bullets, and lastly, all remaining ones can go to your product description.

A Deeper Understanding of Listing Components

The Title of your product is the first and most basic summary of what your product is about, next to the image itself. Chances are, there are already too many sellers with the same product as yours, so how do you stand out?

Your target is to catch the attention of the potential buyers amidst a sea of listings. I urge you to think from the other end. If you were a buyer, what would you be looking for? Keeping that in mind, prioritize relevant information to your title and keep it easy to read. Do yourself a favor and avoid senseless keyword stuffing like others. A clean, relevant, crisp, and informative title should make the odds go in your favor.

Now that you have your keywords prepared, it’s time to put them to use on the front end of your product listing.

Product Title

The title has the maximum weightage. Therefore, the primary keyword with the highest volume should be used. The first 30 characters count a lot so make sure to include the most relevant information.  Most categories have a max of 200 characters, including spaces. Double-check by viewing Amazon Guidelines. Do not go over the maximum, or your product will be suppressed.

Listing Images

I previously explained the importance of a good title, but I cannot stress enough how important your images are. More than words, your photos are what sell your product. They are the very first impression of the product. The visuals are meant to help your customers get a picture and an excellent way of attraction.

Amazon product listing allows nine listing images. Use wisely and demonstrate what your product is and how it can improve the users’ lives. A great strategy would be to use an assortment of professionally edited photographs and images fulfilling various purposes such as Main Image (necessary), Infographics, Highlighting Features, Lifestyle, Dimensions, Comparison Chart, and Package includes (items in each set).

You may seek the help of photography experts to make your amazon images really shine out.

Bullet Points

The segment features your product’s primary highlights and advantages. In 200-280 ideal characters, explain what benefits and features your product can offer to the customer. Depending on your target audience, you may decide the better copywriting strategy: Factual or Lifestyle? What will resonate with the readers most and compel them to buy your product?

What more can you do?

Take advantage of the copywriting and slip in your good keywords. Keep it natural and smooth with the word flow.

Amazon allows up to 5 bullet points per listing. Here are a few protocols that you should follow when writing bullet points.

  • Ideal character limit 250 to a maximum of 300. However, amazon allows upto 500 characters. A longer text is challenging to read, and we would advise against that.
  • Highlight your unique features and benefits. Cover all your grounds.
  • Incorporate high volume keywords, but without making your sentences seem unnatural.
  • Maintain the sentence structure and flow.
  • Choose the tone that best suits the target audience.
  • Must be easy to read
  • Including subheadings are good practice as it allows the reader to scan for what they are looking for quickly.

Product Description

Product description allows more in-depth insight into your product and a chance to incorporate details you have left out in the bullets. When composing your product description, once again, consider your intended audience. Could they be looking for straight-up facts? Or are they looking to be convinced through emotion?

Style your content accordingly to seal the deal. A good practice is to elaborate and cover all grounds you could not do so in other segments. Keep it easy to read and break it up under subheadings. And don’t forget to exercise all those leftover keywords!

Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)

Available to the vendors or brand registered sellers, EBC is an upgrade to product description, first introduced in 2016. Composed of a visually appealing series of images banded together with quality content, they are designed to enhance your brand’s overall image while making your product 10 x more attractive.

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